Fite Fashion’s Commitment To Sustainable Fashion

What does it mean to be a sustainable fashion brand?

Our garments are made to order just for you. They don't sit around a warehouse. This maximizes quality control and is more environmentally friendly because we don't have excess inventory sitting and waiting to be sold. A sustainable fashion brand does not overproduce.

There is a real backlash against designers burning their unsold inventory instead of discounting or donating it in order to prevent people out of their desired price point from wearing their garments. If they want to retain their brand cache they should avoid over producing in the first place. Limited edition, one of a kind and one of few items build suspense and a sense of preciousness and uniqueness that does not exist in fast fashion. Plus, it’s sustainable and just good business.

Natural Materials — No Synthetics

A sustainable fashion brand sources the most environmentally fabrics available. We use predominantly natural materials. Our garments are mostly silk with some additional items like spiral steel dress bones. We do not use synthetic fabrics because they release microplastics when they are laundered. These can take hundreds of years to break down. Natural materials can eventually biodegrade.

We minimize waste at every step of the process. Much of our fabric scraps are reused in other designs or donated to fabric scrap recycling facilities such as FABSCRAP. They take textile waste and facilitate recycling it into things like carpet padding. 

Carbon Neutrality

We are committed to being carbon neutral by buying offsets for things like shipping and travel. We minimize the amount of carbon required to produce our garments by being as vertically integrated as possible. Because our design, pattern making and production is done all under one roof, we minimize the amount of fossil fuels used and keep our carbon footprint low.

We work to use the most sustainable packaging and branding materials. Learn more about our sustainable packaging.

Versatility and Quality

A sustainable fashion brand designs for versatility. Building versatility into our collections allows a woman to wear our garments multiple times in multiple ways. One time use garments are not sustainable. We offer the ability to buy each ensemble separately for added versatility.

Using the highest quality materials and construction techniques means our garments are made to last and even be passed down to a family member of the same size this is in keeping with the #LovedClothesLast campaign. 

If you wear your dress to death, you can send it back to us for a store credit and we will salvage what we can of the materials for things like accessories. This minimizes the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills. 

Textile Reuse

We use reclaimed materials for our one of a kind and one of a few pieces. We procure fabric like designer laser cut leather remnants from FABSCRAP to keep them out of the landfill and also add special limited pieces to our existing collection. 

We will build and invest in a Green Portfolio. Any shares we buy will be in companies that promote our values like renewable energy producers. 

For more information about our commitment to sustainable fashion, read our impact statement.